Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Alone In Darkness

Life & death
Alone & darkness
Nothing can’t change that

Many way have awaits me once I came to this world
Which way I choose?
Where is my true destiny?

Without my conscious
Step by step that I have made
I choose the life which full of loneliness & darkness
Where every day is night
Where night is forever

But in my heart know
Alone, alone and always alone
This is what I waiting for

Gothic means “related to Goth” . It is refers to a Germanic tribe the “Goth” that lived in their mythical homeland, Gotland Island. Modern gothic started in the early 80’s as part of the punk subculture. Gothic people or goth always been considered as odd and attention seeking individuals by people who considered themselves to be normal. Many teenagers involve in this bad subcultures. They also described as the anti-political, anti-social nature of the group and in part to the fact that there are now many different subcultures within the subculture of the goth movement. There are so many gothic subcultures and all come in colors of darkness. Usually , the outfits that they wear always black. Black also symbolize darkness which is link to the theme of gothic.Just like the others subcultures, the true goth style has changed over time as the goth subculture has been adopted by more of the mainstream culture. There are many types of gothic subcultures. Example of gothic subcultures is Romantic Goths, Wild Goths, Pagan Goths, and others. Romantic Goths express the sensual world. Everything is full of tragic. The only one that can overcomes the senselessness of existence is love. Vampire Goths was inspired by vampires myths, where they try to live in the nights and often wear cloak. They usually wear an outfit like a vampire. Some of them drink on human blood for life force. Traditional Goths are made from old school, they usually listen to punk, guitar based goth music and 80’s music.