Wednesday, October 21, 2009


In this world, there a few people that can be a world-class speaker and it is also known as orator. Orator can be defines as a person who expressed in language or someone who deliver a speech to a public. Meanwhile, oratory is a speech that goes above and beyond and takes its listeners to a level of curiosity and understanding that is trance like. Socrates, President Barrack Obama, Adolf Hitler, Dato’ Sri Najib Tun Razak is example of world-class speaker.

To become a world-class speaker, we need to make them as a model for us to succeed. There are a few tips that can make us to be a world-class speaker. First of all, we need to concentrate on what we are going to do. Focus is an important role in this situation. We must set up our own goal to be a world-class speaker. Without concentrate and focus on what are we doing, we are just list wasting our money, energy and time.

Secondly, we must know our audience. The more we know about the audience, more opportunities that we will have to play with them. We must attract our own audience to listening by using an attractive talk or make a joke to make them laugh. In this case, communication skills are the most important skill that we need to learn or expert. Without it, our audiences will become bored and their concentration will be lost.

Besides that, we must make our body language or gesture can attract our audience. In this case, we must use it depends on the situation. If we only stand in front during giving our speech, the percentage of the audiences that still listen our speech will become low to zero. We must prevent this situation otherwise our ambition to become a world-class speaker are just like a dream.

A part from that, we must have a deep knowledge about a topic that we want to talk. We must do a research about the topic before we talk. By mastering the topic, we can build a higher confidence.
As a conclusion, there are a lot of thing you need to do before you can be a world-class speaker. Thank you.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Megacities mean a metropolitan area with a total population in 10 million people. There are many differences between megacities and other small city through organization of the cities,the population density and rapidly of economic cities themselves.

As we know,this place will have it own advantages like many facilities such as infrastructure like recreational parks,school,hospitals and others. Megacities area help in opportunities to people who live there.With this, it will reducing unemployment among people and help them improve their economic status.This place also easy to get things without having to go far as for get food because there are many shops in the prepared foods including fast food and also have a shopping mall to buy something essential goods.

Beside that, megacities also has modern technologies for their comfort life.People also will not have any problem in transportation because they have a perfect public transport compared to other small city.

But megacities also has disadvantages to the people as their cost of living is higher than other small city such as food and lodging.For people who can not afford have a house to live at interior area.The population density also can cause in traffic congestion.Another,megacities cause the gap between rich and poor more apparent.

Potential pollution that occur is higher in megacities such as air pollution and noisy pollution caused by vehicle.Megacities also have higher stress heat because of their rapid development and lack of green trees.Grime rate is also high perhaps because of less security for the people.Population that can compact have cause various diseases such as the dangerous H1N1 in the Mexico country.

As a conclusion,megacities can give benefits to us for help people to get job and higher their quality live but and have anything we want but it depend on us to control it.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Indigenuos Peoples

Bruno Manser was an environment activist from Switzerland came to Sarawak for preservation and protection rainforest of indigenous people.Bruno Manser have a mission when he came to Sarawak it is for help Penan to protect their rainforest from government.

The Sarawak government called him as "enemy of state number one" and offer USD40000 for him to leave this country immediately.He take half of the money and leave.

In my opinion,sometime I agree with what Bruno Manser does to protect the rainforest of Sarawak.This is because deforestation will effect flora and fauna.But not everyone agree with Bruno Manser because Penan people also need to improve their development and lifestyle.

Bruno Manser cannot stop the government from deforestation the jungle of Sarawak and to defend the Penan from change.