Wednesday, October 21, 2009


In this world, there a few people that can be a world-class speaker and it is also known as orator. Orator can be defines as a person who expressed in language or someone who deliver a speech to a public. Meanwhile, oratory is a speech that goes above and beyond and takes its listeners to a level of curiosity and understanding that is trance like. Socrates, President Barrack Obama, Adolf Hitler, Dato’ Sri Najib Tun Razak is example of world-class speaker.

To become a world-class speaker, we need to make them as a model for us to succeed. There are a few tips that can make us to be a world-class speaker. First of all, we need to concentrate on what we are going to do. Focus is an important role in this situation. We must set up our own goal to be a world-class speaker. Without concentrate and focus on what are we doing, we are just list wasting our money, energy and time.

Secondly, we must know our audience. The more we know about the audience, more opportunities that we will have to play with them. We must attract our own audience to listening by using an attractive talk or make a joke to make them laugh. In this case, communication skills are the most important skill that we need to learn or expert. Without it, our audiences will become bored and their concentration will be lost.

Besides that, we must make our body language or gesture can attract our audience. In this case, we must use it depends on the situation. If we only stand in front during giving our speech, the percentage of the audiences that still listen our speech will become low to zero. We must prevent this situation otherwise our ambition to become a world-class speaker are just like a dream.

A part from that, we must have a deep knowledge about a topic that we want to talk. We must do a research about the topic before we talk. By mastering the topic, we can build a higher confidence.
As a conclusion, there are a lot of thing you need to do before you can be a world-class speaker. Thank you.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Megacities mean a metropolitan area with a total population in 10 million people. There are many differences between megacities and other small city through organization of the cities,the population density and rapidly of economic cities themselves.

As we know,this place will have it own advantages like many facilities such as infrastructure like recreational parks,school,hospitals and others. Megacities area help in opportunities to people who live there.With this, it will reducing unemployment among people and help them improve their economic status.This place also easy to get things without having to go far as for get food because there are many shops in the prepared foods including fast food and also have a shopping mall to buy something essential goods.

Beside that, megacities also has modern technologies for their comfort life.People also will not have any problem in transportation because they have a perfect public transport compared to other small city.

But megacities also has disadvantages to the people as their cost of living is higher than other small city such as food and lodging.For people who can not afford have a house to live at interior area.The population density also can cause in traffic congestion.Another,megacities cause the gap between rich and poor more apparent.

Potential pollution that occur is higher in megacities such as air pollution and noisy pollution caused by vehicle.Megacities also have higher stress heat because of their rapid development and lack of green trees.Grime rate is also high perhaps because of less security for the people.Population that can compact have cause various diseases such as the dangerous H1N1 in the Mexico country.

As a conclusion,megacities can give benefits to us for help people to get job and higher their quality live but and have anything we want but it depend on us to control it.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Indigenuos Peoples

Bruno Manser was an environment activist from Switzerland came to Sarawak for preservation and protection rainforest of indigenous people.Bruno Manser have a mission when he came to Sarawak it is for help Penan to protect their rainforest from government.

The Sarawak government called him as "enemy of state number one" and offer USD40000 for him to leave this country immediately.He take half of the money and leave.

In my opinion,sometime I agree with what Bruno Manser does to protect the rainforest of Sarawak.This is because deforestation will effect flora and fauna.But not everyone agree with Bruno Manser because Penan people also need to improve their development and lifestyle.

Bruno Manser cannot stop the government from deforestation the jungle of Sarawak and to defend the Penan from change.

Friday, September 11, 2009


Ikebana is a one of the Japan’s traditional art. It is dated from 7th century in Japan. Ikebana means ‘the art of giving life to flower’. It also known as “ikeru” means to arrange, and “hana”, which means flower. Ikebana is not like a usual decoration of the flower that we see nowadays. Ikebana has a special relationship with nature and it is an art learned through years of study. Ikebana also categorizes as a disciplined art form in which nature and humanity are combined together through the decoration of flower.

One reason Ikebana is different with usual flower decoration is because normal arrangement of flower usually focus on the blooms of flower but ikebana has more focus on the entire of the flower. It is also include the stems and leaves. Many aspects are taken during practicing ikebana.

Here are the few list of the aspects that be must be follow by the practitioners during practicing ikebana. Firstly is silence. Silence is a part that allows for the mind to think, relax and concentrate while practiced arrangement flowers. It allows our mind to focus on the entire flower. In our opinion, this is good for us to exercise our brain to think wisely. Secondly is harmony. The decoration in the flower arrangement must have sense of harmony with each other. It also must be related with nature. In our opinion, it is help us to appreciate nature and become closer to nature.

Thirdly is the scalene triangle. Ikebana is a based on three points of scalene triangle. Each point usually a twig, can be represent heaven, earth, sun, moon and many more. Lastly is organic. All elements that are used in decoration of flower must be organic. It is including all part of the flower such as branches, leaves, grasses, or flowers. The floral arrangement of blooms should have a multicolor decoration draw importance toward shape, lines, and form. The artist intention behind each arrangement is shown through a piece's color combinations, natural shapes, graceful lines, and the usually implied meaning of the arrangement.

There is various type of ikebana nowadays such as “moribana” and “heika”. Today, Ikebana is practiced by millions of women as well as men around the world.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Some people say television is bad for children because it discourage them from learning exercises and from communication with other children. However, others say it stimulates the mind and gives knowledge of the world. By watching television, it can affect the children’s mind and behavior. What we can see so far is, it can be good and bad effects depend on children themselves.

Television can be excellent educator and entertainer for children if we know at what channel is the best for our children. For example, preschoolers can help learning the alphabet on public television and grade scholars can learn about wildlife on nature shows. Sometimes television’s programs have a benefit like ‘TV Pendidikan’ on TV 9. This programmer teaches our children about mathematics, religion, and others. Apart from school, children can get information about their subject with this program from television.

Television is the best solution when many advise for more hours per week of educational programming. It is good for children to watch a cartoon channel for entertainment and for the after studies.

Besides that, television is a great way to learn current events apart from the computer and newspaper. For example, watching the history channel could be give a more benefit to children than watching history unfolds before their eyes. Told story form, the picture tell all the events of the past and it makes history fun to watch and easy to understand. The history channel is a good for children.

However, at the same time television also can give bad effects for children because children of all ages can be exposed to violence, sexual images, and cursed words through watching television. Children consistently spend more than four hours per day watching television are more likely to be overnight. Some children, by viewing violent acts more likely to show aggressive behavior and sometimes their feel something bad will happen to them. Television characters are often show risky behavior such as smoking and drinking.

Example of violence program on television channel is when children are taught by their parents that it is not right or wrong. Yours children are particularly frightened by scared and violence images because can’t get difference between fantasy and reality. This situation can cause children to do something what their want to do if no guided from parents when their children watching television.

As a conclusion, it is subjective and depends on the aged of children and from the parents guided. Television can be good for children if their watch the correct channel and parents should teach and guide their children when children watching television. It also can give a bad effect if the children watching a television’s program that are not suitable for their ages.

Friday, September 4, 2009


Discrimination means the ability to make or find out the difference, sensitivity, judgment, of something in our daily life. There is much discrimination that happens surrounding us. Discrimination also occurs in many countries throughout this world. Each country itself has its own discrimination. There is many type of discrimination such as gender discrimination, age discrimination, races discrimination and many more.

The ones that we want to focus about discrimination is gender discrimination. In our opinion, gender discrimination is when men or women are discriminate against as a result of their gender. Gender discrimination is an unfairly treating people because they are either male or male. Generally, gender differences have been used to give good reason for different roles for men and women in some cases giving rise to claims of primary and secondary class.

The country that we want to focus about gender discrimination is Bangladesh. Bangladesh is a highly gender discrimination is present at all community levels. We can see that gender discrimination between women and men are quiet strong. In Bangladesh, women are dependent on men throughout their lives, from father through husbands to sons. Women and young girls are more disadvantaged than men in their way in to education, health care and financial assets. There are several factors that make the gender discrimination happens in Bangladesh.

Firstly is a family and gender issue. Gender discrimination start from birth and continues throughout life in Bangladesh. As a result discrimination develops between the boys and girls, boys are considered to be an advantage and the girls are considered to as burden of the family. Girls often suffer gendered discrimination both within school and within the community, from teachers, parents and peers.

Besides that, gender discrimination in educational institution. We can see that this situation currently happens in school. In class room, the teachers always prefer the boys to be a captain of the class because they think only the boys have a leadership quality. This situation makes the girls are put away and neglected. Sometimes when the girl student could not prepare their task for burden in the household activities, teacher even female teachers do not handle the class sensitively and softly. In the coeducation system, sometimes the sitting arrangement of the boys and girls is separate. The impact of this will create in the mind of the students that they should be different from every viewpoint.So,in my opinion whether there is male or female,we should respect each other because we have different responsible for us to do.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Conflicts are categorized as dysfunctional communication. Currently, communication responses between people are quite strong. In fact, we can considerably stop conflict by changing communication patterns. What is usually happening in our society is when people talk to each other they don’t pay a full attention to what they are talking about. It is often to see that when people talk to each other, they don’t listen carefully. They are often half-listening, half-thinking about something else and give a response that out of topics that are talking about.

Nowadays, we can see that individual in this world have their own conflict that they are going through. Conflicts are plentiful because individuals are unique, and have

difference values, needs and desires. When a person come to us and need our help to solving their conflict problem, it is important to use our communication skill to help them. Solving someone’s conflict is difficult because if we are not pay a full attention to what they are going to says it will cause worse than before. By improving our communication skill, we can communicate with somebody else without cause any problem. One of the most important skills in effective communication is active listening.

We are agreeing that techniques such as active listening will help to avoid conflict, or at least resolve it more quickly. Active listening is a structured form of listening and responding that focuses the attention on the speaker is trying to communicate. There are few techniques of active listening. Firstly, the listener need to focus a full attention on the subject the speaker is talking about. After that, the listener has to repeats and explains and responds to their stated explanation. The speaker needs to understand on which the main point of the explanation ad if the listener really understood, then speaker can repeat again.

Secondly, the listener must always give the speaker time to finish their sentence before the listener can take action. It is important for the listener to give the speaker time and space for rest after talking. Patience is important for the listener in this situation. Thirdly, the listener must avoid or eliminate all distraction like phone call, talking to other person when the speaker wants to speak. It will cause our attention to the listening of the speaker disturbed. Moreover, the listener should keep an open minded thinking. The listener should not make a guess about what speaker are trying to say or what they are thinking about.

Active listening has several benefits that we can get. Firstly, when the listener listens actively, that’s meant the listener is honouring the other person. This will builds trust with the speaker. Secondly, it can avoid misunderstandings, as people have to confirm that they do really understand what another person has said and it will also solve the conflict. Thirdly, when the listener listens attentively, the listener can fully understand the other person's point of view. This situation can avoids conflict. Lastly, it is usually when people are in conflict, they often disagree with each other, denying the opponent’s explanation of a situation. However, if they feel that their opponent is really attuned to their concerns and wants to listen, they are likely to explain in detail what they feel and why. If both parties to a conflict do this, the chances of being able to develop a solution to their common problem becomes much greater.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Alone In Darkness

Life & death
Alone & darkness
Nothing can’t change that

Many way have awaits me once I came to this world
Which way I choose?
Where is my true destiny?

Without my conscious
Step by step that I have made
I choose the life which full of loneliness & darkness
Where every day is night
Where night is forever

But in my heart know
Alone, alone and always alone
This is what I waiting for

Gothic means “related to Goth” . It is refers to a Germanic tribe the “Goth” that lived in their mythical homeland, Gotland Island. Modern gothic started in the early 80’s as part of the punk subculture. Gothic people or goth always been considered as odd and attention seeking individuals by people who considered themselves to be normal. Many teenagers involve in this bad subcultures. They also described as the anti-political, anti-social nature of the group and in part to the fact that there are now many different subcultures within the subculture of the goth movement. There are so many gothic subcultures and all come in colors of darkness. Usually , the outfits that they wear always black. Black also symbolize darkness which is link to the theme of gothic.Just like the others subcultures, the true goth style has changed over time as the goth subculture has been adopted by more of the mainstream culture. There are many types of gothic subcultures. Example of gothic subcultures is Romantic Goths, Wild Goths, Pagan Goths, and others. Romantic Goths express the sensual world. Everything is full of tragic. The only one that can overcomes the senselessness of existence is love. Vampire Goths was inspired by vampires myths, where they try to live in the nights and often wear cloak. They usually wear an outfit like a vampire. Some of them drink on human blood for life force. Traditional Goths are made from old school, they usually listen to punk, guitar based goth music and 80’s music.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Hello, we are the members of Group One. Nice to meet you. Our group consist of three members. During our campus life, we are happy living in our hometown, but we are happier now in University Putra Malaysia Bintulu Campus. So, we want to share with you all how we enjoy our excellent experience that we had join in the funny orientation week at UPMKB.


  Hanami is the Japanese traditional custom of enjoying the beauty of flowers. Usually “flower” is refer to cherry blossoms which also known as sakura. There is said to be about 300 different varieties of sakura, but the three most common ones are someiyoshino, usually planted in parks and along riverbanks, yamazakura grows wild in mountainous areas south from central Honshu, and shidarezakura often seen in temples. Hanami is one of the most popular events of spring. It occurs from mid January to early May. At that time, cherry blossoms bloom all over Japan. There are many kinds of cherry tree varieties in Japan, most of them bloom for just a couple of days in spring. The Japanese celebrate that time of the year with Hanami parties under the blooming trees. Hanami consists of having an outdoor party under the cheery blossoms tree. At that time, crowds of people like families, groups of friends, and groups from companies sit under the fully open cherry blossoms, usually on plastic tarps, and have a picnic celebration. The picnic fare consists of a wide variety of foods, snack foods, and sake (rice wine) or other drinks. The activities often include dancing and karaoke in addition to the cherry blossom viewing. In very popular places such as Ueno Park and Aoyama Cemetery in Tokyo the competition for prime picnic spots is intense. Company groups and family members claim spots by arriving very early in the morning and sitting all day long until the real celebrations begin in the evening. It is not unusual to see a young man in a business suit sitting under a cherry tree early in the morning reserving a space for his company. The new employees are traditionally given this job of sitting all day long to reserve space for the company celebration. At that time, they will having fun all the day. Surprisingly, as Hanami season approaches, the progresses of the Hanami are covered on TV and in the newspapers. 

Friday, May 8, 2009

Birth Rate in Malaysia

Year Birth rate (births/1,000 population)
2000 25.30
2001 24.75
2002 24.22
2003 23.70
2004 23.37
2005 23.07
2006 22.86
2007 22.65
2008 22.44

Year Birth rate Rank Percent Change Date of Information
2003 23.70 88 2003 est.
2004 23.07 86 -2.66 % 2004 est.
2005 23.07 86 0.00 % 2005 est.
2006 22.86 85 -0.91 % 2006 est.
2007 22.65 87 -0.92 % 2007 est.
2008 22.44 84 -0.93 % 2008 est.
There are a few factors affect birth rate in Malaysia. The factor that affects birth rate in Malaysia is natalism. Natalism is a belief that promotes human reproduction. Pronatalism is a promoting child-bearing. Antinatalism is a negative thinking of birth. The second factor is family planning. The family should know how to plan when to have children and the use of birth control. In this situation, usually female-male couple wish to limit the number of children they have or to control the timing of pregnancy also known as spacing children. Thirdly female literacy level also affects birth rate in Malaysia. The literacy level is considered to be the ability to use language to read and write, sometimes listen and speak. So, they have their own carrier and they do not depend on men and not concentrating on their family.

Furthermore, the rate of mortality is another factor. It has become the most common cause in infant mortality. The main reason that causes this situation is dehydration from diarrhoea. Fifth is urbanization which is physical growth of urban area from rural areas whereby money, service and wealth are centralized. As the result, more people are going for entertainment than to have family.

In addition, age of marriage is another factor that affects birth rate in Malaysia. Marriageable age or marriage age is the age at which a person is allowed to marry, either as of right or subject to parental or other forms of consent. The age and other requirements vary between countries. The marriage age should not be confused with the age of majority or the age of consent .In Malaysia the age of marriage is 18 to 21 with parental consent, 16 for female with special marriage license. People use to focus on their carrier before they want to form a family. Female usually have late marriage. Thus, it affects the birth rate. Moreover, conflict does affect the birth rate. This situation can be internal (within oneself) or external (between 2 or more individuals).Conflict is actual or perceived opposition of needs, values and interests. We predict the birth rate in Malaysia will continue to decrease due to these factors.

As a conclusion, government and all individuals in Malaysia should responsible to stabilize the population in Malaysia.