Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Some people say television is bad for children because it discourage them from learning exercises and from communication with other children. However, others say it stimulates the mind and gives knowledge of the world. By watching television, it can affect the children’s mind and behavior. What we can see so far is, it can be good and bad effects depend on children themselves.

Television can be excellent educator and entertainer for children if we know at what channel is the best for our children. For example, preschoolers can help learning the alphabet on public television and grade scholars can learn about wildlife on nature shows. Sometimes television’s programs have a benefit like ‘TV Pendidikan’ on TV 9. This programmer teaches our children about mathematics, religion, and others. Apart from school, children can get information about their subject with this program from television.

Television is the best solution when many advise for more hours per week of educational programming. It is good for children to watch a cartoon channel for entertainment and for the after studies.

Besides that, television is a great way to learn current events apart from the computer and newspaper. For example, watching the history channel could be give a more benefit to children than watching history unfolds before their eyes. Told story form, the picture tell all the events of the past and it makes history fun to watch and easy to understand. The history channel is a good for children.

However, at the same time television also can give bad effects for children because children of all ages can be exposed to violence, sexual images, and cursed words through watching television. Children consistently spend more than four hours per day watching television are more likely to be overnight. Some children, by viewing violent acts more likely to show aggressive behavior and sometimes their feel something bad will happen to them. Television characters are often show risky behavior such as smoking and drinking.

Example of violence program on television channel is when children are taught by their parents that it is not right or wrong. Yours children are particularly frightened by scared and violence images because can’t get difference between fantasy and reality. This situation can cause children to do something what their want to do if no guided from parents when their children watching television.

As a conclusion, it is subjective and depends on the aged of children and from the parents guided. Television can be good for children if their watch the correct channel and parents should teach and guide their children when children watching television. It also can give a bad effect if the children watching a television’s program that are not suitable for their ages.

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